A review by idratherbereading542
Four Psychos by Kristy Cunning


- Heroine: Keyla
- Harem: Gage (One), Ezekiel (Two), Kai (Three), Jude (Four)
- POVs Included: Single Female POV (Keyla)
- Book Playlist (The Dark Side Series Playlist)

For the last five years Keyla has been stuck as an invisible presence inside the house of four guys she’s dubbed the Four Psychos. She doesn’t know what they are, but definitely not human. She has no memory of her time before showing up in their lives. She doesn’t even know her name (she is later given the name Keyla by Ezekiel). Despite their psycho demeanor, she has long fantasized about being taken by the guys like they take the girls they bring home. But once the guys can see officially her, she finds out they are more challenging than they first appeared. And in the meantime she’s trying to keep them from getting killed.

I LOVED this! It was incredibly fun and enjoyable to read. Keyla is such a badass with her developing powers, but she is also so witty and charming. I fell for her hard — easily a favorite heroine for me!

The guys are assholes alright. But they’re KEYLA’S assholes and I can see the chinks in their armor slowly falling away for her. You see, their hesitancy comes from not being sure where she came from and what she is. As her incredible powers are revealed they aren’t sure if someone sent her to destroy their necessary-to-surviving bond they have with each other. But the more she saves, protects, and charms them, the harder it’s getting for them to resist her.

Plus, I like asshole heroes so I like them. My favorite is Ezekiel though because he’s giving in to his attachment to her the most so far.

Still, it’s definitely a slow burn! Not a bad thing though. I actually like the banter and budding (albeit reluctant) companionship between them as the story goes. I can’t wait to see how it all ends up.

Not to mention the story! Which is so fascinating and mysterious. So much mystery to unfold — who are the guys (they don’t know fully), who and what is Keyla, who is trying to kill them, where did Keyla come from. So many awesome things to find out in the coming books! I can’t wait to binge read these suckers!

Definitely recommended for fans of dark-ish paranormal RH books with asshole heroes and a badass witty heroine. Lots of humor but not an outright comedy (mostly witty dialogue and internal thoughts). All pluses in my book! Onto the next one because left off with a bit of a cliffy!