A review by thehawk72
Dig by A.S. King


I was pretty confused for a good portion of the book, but once it got closer to the end, everything started to come together for me. Often times writing like this feels fake-deep to me and it doesn't make me that interested in the book, but it kinda worked itself out for me.

The only thing that I couldn't figure out that I was left disappointed with was Marla. She's been keeping a secret for a super long time (longer than The Freak's death) and I don't know if they ever revealed it to us. Unless the secret she was keeping was that she knew who murdered her? Or if she knew what happened to Uncle Matt since no one else could figure it out? It seemed like an unnecessary amount of suspicion towards her for not being able to figure out what her big secret was. Granted, it's very possible that King did tell us this and I couldn't discern it through her writing.