A review by inwonderland49
Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes


This review was originally posted on In Wonderland

My Thoughts

Holy crap, my friends. This was even better than the first one! It was so intense. Rebel Spring kept me on the edge of my seat from page 1. And by the time that I reached the ending, I understand why so many people dreaded the waiting game for the next book to come out because that wait must have been brutal! I am so happy that I collected these and have them all to binge read right after the other. But at the same time... a part of me wishes I had been on this wagon from the very beginning because, my friends, this series is just so amazing.

Morgan Rhodes is a real storyteller. I love her writing and I love the world building and how I feel transported to the world of Mytica. Morgan Rhodes has become an auto-buy author for me and she should make your list, too!

What I really loved about this sequel was the fact that we delved more into the story. So, book 1 was great.. I absolutely loved it. But it only scratched the surface of the actual story. Book 1 did great in building the world and building the characters. It was great because Rebel Spring was able to thrive from the bones that Falling Kingdoms built. Rebel Spring had me feeling even more for the characters. I was able to get a better read on these characters and I realized that I fell in love with them even more!

Speaking of characters, Cleo and Magnus are my absolute favorites for sure. But I'm also loving all of the other characters. And I really don't want to list them in case you haven't read this book or series. But let me tell you that be cautious with reading this series because Morgan Rhodes is ruthless and is not afraid to kill her darlings. And I do not mean by cutting scenes/editing. I mean literally killing her darling precious characters. When I referred to Falling Kingdoms as the YA version of Game of Thrones, I meant that because of how many characters die. But when you think about it, it makes sense because this series is about a WAR. There is bound to be death.

BUT IT IS SO AMAZING! If you love fantasy, please read this series and talk to me about it!!! I know hardly anyone who has read this series and I need more people to talk to about it!!!!