A review by thegildedfantasy
Wish Hunter by Jordan Riley Swan, Hero Bowen


Rating : 3,50⭐/5⭐
   I don't know from where to start. I am glad that I could read this book as a beta reader and I enjoyed it, it was something new and exciting.
    World building:
The world building was very good and I'm really happy that all the places the characters went to were not too described. I got just as many informations as I wanted.
I have to admit that I guessed some things even from the beginning. It was not that surprising and mind-blowing. I liked the fight scenes (I loved them.), but sometimes I felt like things were forced, they felt somehow unnatural. The end and everything that happened in the last 50 pages surprised me. All those secrets that were unfold made me ask some questions (To which I got not answer.