A review by kidisitor
Chaser by Kylie Scott


Love Love Love! The third book in the Dive Bar series features bartender/co-owner Eric and a town newbie (and an online friend of Nell's,) Jean. Eric has always been a bit of a playboy. Never getting into serious relationships, but when Jean walks into his bar, he is immediately smitten. When he notices that she's pregnant, to say he's shocked is an understatement. Then he finds out she moving into the apartment down the hall from him. Avoiding her won't be easy. After some time, they begin talking and Eric helps out with the baby and the two become good friends. Despite his initial shock of the pregnancy, he still finds himself attracted to her and falls in love with the baby as well. Everything is platonic until it isn't anymore. But while he wants to make things official, she wants to keep things casual. It's a bit heartbreaking watching Eric struggle to accept her terms while, for the first time in his life, he wants nothing more than to have a forever with her. Add to his own struggles there, he is dealing with Nell's negative attitude and opinion of him. He fights to see his own worth.

This book is written from Eric's POV and we get to see his sensitive/vulnerable side. And, like I said before, there are a few heartbreaking moments when you just want to reach out and hug the guy. There are lots of humorous scenes, especially when the adults are dealing with the little baby. :) The banter between the characters are great. This is part of a series, but you do not need to read the others to follow this book. (Same world, different couple.) But, having said that, there is a little bit of backstory that you will better appreciate if you have read the others first. (It's briefly touched on in this book, but without all the details.) There is some sexual content, making it safe for mature readers, but it's not what this relationship is all about. It's about their friendship, and being there for each other. The sex, when they finally get to that step, is just the cherry on top. (And SPOILER ALERT: Doesn't actually happen until closer to the end of the book.) The book and story is well written, flows easily and reads quickly. You'll have a hard time putting it down.

*I was fortunate enough to win an ARC of this book.