A review by palwasha_here
Destiny Disrupted: A History of the World Through Islamic Eyes by Tamim Ansary


Among other things, I was also rewarded with not just the knowledge of Khilafat era but the rule of Ummayads, Abbasids, Turks, Crusader wars, Mongols wrecking havoc on Muslim world (also destroying Baghdad among others), then defeated by Egypt's mamluk general (hand canon the first gun was being used by Egypt at this point) Mongols conquering the Muslim world then being conquered by them by conversion, the ottoman empire and its victory over Constantinople and later Egypt too by eliminating Mamluk dynasty from history, and Safavids. Two centuries of Moghuls with worth mentioning Babur and his becoming king of Kabul, conquering Delhi, and how six Moghuls kings ruled for two centuries, with only one of them a drunkard and not praise worthy.
This book held so much information in such an engaging yet jaw-dropping writing style. It may take some time to get totally immersed in it but I think that's the case with most of the history books or may be it's just me being a beginner at non-fiction. But you do get immersed in it that's guaranteed.

It's interesting how the author explained very well how among other things, the European traders, bought (with higher payments) raw materials from the Ottoman empire which didn't leave enough for the local companies to be able to make products for public.
It talks about Shi'ism too, how it came into being, the Shi's -Sunni never ending tussle, and how always they tried to overcome each other.

I heard that once the great scholar Bukhari was investigating the chain of transmission for a particular hadith. He found the first link credible; the second man passed muster too; but when Bukhari went to interview the third man in the chain of transmission, he found the fellow beating his horse. That did it. The word of a man who beat his horse could not be trusted. That hadith had to be discarded.

It's interesting how well the author managed to add a little more to every piece of information.
All in all, it was a good concise world history book.