A review by thomcat
Conspirata, by Robert Harris


The first volume ([b:Imperium: A Novel of Ancient Rome|243601|Imperium A Novel of Ancient Rome (Cicero, #1)|Robert Harris|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1442657816s/243601.jpg|1237325]) dealt with the rise of a hungry Cicero, whose wit and legal tactics impelled him to the office of Consul. This novel deals with the aftermath - death threats and a conspiracy while in office, the rise of Caesar and the founding of the Triumvirate. This Cicero has his power nibbled away and rests on his laurels for a bit too long while the Roman Republic crumbles around him. The story ends with the flight into exile.

The first two volumes make up Cicero's early career, though I would have liked a few more speeches. While the writing is still good, the story drags a bit in the second half, and I had to fight to stay interested. There is a third volume that arrived last year ([b:Dictator|25488982|Dictator (Cicero, #3)|Robert Harris|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1442418779s/25488982.jpg|43767637]) which probably delves into the mid career. With all the material there, I may wait to see if a fourth book is planned and read them together.