A review by waotto
The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick


This is not a book I would typically pick up to read. I saw the movie last fall, which of course was adapted to include the Hollywood Happy Ending, or at least Happy for Now Ending. I wouldn't categorize the novels' actual ending as happy, but more content.
Dr. Cliff reminds Pat that we don't live in our own movie, and not everyone gets a happy ending, sometimes things just end. We have to accept that and try to move ahead. Doesn't that seem to be a universal theme in most lives?
As in most cases, when I read the book that has been adapted into a screenplay and produced into a movie, I enjoy the book much more than the movie. The movie is good in its own right, but the novel makes you think a bit more and about what is happening, and I think the reader identifies more with the feelings that Pat has through out the book, making it a much more emotional read.