A review by bewarethebookwyrm
A Boy and His Bot by Daniel H. Wilson


This is one of my favorite books. I've read it twice now. This could loosely be considered a boys version of Alice in Wonderland -- loosely though. It's fun to read. I think my least favorite part would be the dinner scene. I won't give away spoilers. There are some embarrassing parts that are difficult for me to get through. However, there are definitely some cool parts, like the desert. Anyone who touches it is eaten within seconds by nanobots. The most exciting action packed part is the final battle. If you want a good laugh, the scene where Code gets robotic eyes is really funny. He has to get robotic eyes because it's the only way to see the mandatory art viewing. Another really cool thing about the book is that Code's bot came from Code's drawing. The bot was a product of Code's imagination.
I would definitely recommend this to others to read. My mom asked me about a moral. This is the moral I came up with: Don't wander off through holes following robotic insects.

Rating: If I follow my mom's star rating, I give it 4 stars. **** If I go with the house cat to Platypus named Perry ranking system (Platypus being the best), I give it a Pet Wombat rating.

For the full review, go here: http://smithlinda60ls.wixsite.com/linryals/single-post/2018/05/25/Collins-Corner-A-Boy-and-His-Bot