A review by authorkmg
The Redhead Plays Her Hand by Alice Clayton


Crazy and George are back in the third and I believe last installment of the Redhead Series. I've enjoyed all of them, but to be bluntly honest I felt the series was finished after book 2. That's not to say I didn't enjoy meeting up with Grace and Jack because I did. It was great to see how things were progressing with Grace's TV show and Jack's movie career. It was an interesting look into a relationship that has a different kind of up and down...a career one. Just as Grace's star begins to rise, Jack's is sinking and it's through self-sabotage. He's not handling fame well and he's letting other's influence him. Grace is starting to step into the spotlight and it's bringing all kinds of things to light that she would rather be left in the dark. She's also dealing with the worry over Jack's decline and the pressure to do right by him...even if that means distancing herself. Added to that Michael and Holly have a little thing going so we've got drama in spades.

With Alice Clayton's signature sexy-comedic style and the chemistry between Grace and George, it's another solid novel. Did it add anything to the series? Not particularly, but it was fun to check in with them and I still loved reading it! Recommended for fans of the series! *ARC provided in exchange for honest review!*