A review by chroniclesofabookreader
Sea of Stars by Amy A. Bartol


** 4.5 Stars **

Thrilling. Exciting. Non-stop action the whole way through. I mean, good lord I had sweaty palms throughout the entire book! My eyes kept scanning ahead without my permission because I was worried every second that what was good was going to turn bad, and needed reassurance before I read the part I was originally reading so that I could know things were safe, at least for a little while.

Kricket, if I haven’t said before, is a badass. She’s resilient, self-sacrificing, brave, and cunning. A life in and out of despicable foster homes with no one to trust, and a system to fear, it’s honestly not surprising she is the way she is. Her heart is hardened and guarded, but once someone enters past those walls she is a savage at protecting them. Even if it’s from herself. Her and Trey’s journey to protect others and each other is never easy; no, in fact it gets more difficult as they go. She’s in this more to save him than herself now no matter what it costs. Trey, the strong-hearted soldier who would do anything for Kricket, continues to stand by his woman and fight along with her. He may not be gifted like her, but his mind is its own unique gift where he’ll find his ways to strengthen their side of the war. The political intrigue, the mastermind of deception of evil characters, and the sheer want of freedom will keep you rooting for Kricket to win.

Beneath the non-stop action lay the foundation of romance. Trey and Kricket become ever closer, and their passion truly ignited. Here’s where the YA/NA crossover happened, and it’s filled with fire. The constant struggle and battle disappears for a few brief moments in which we see them grow as a couple, and watch how that affects them individually. The loving tenderness in which Trey wraps her inside of his warmth, to allow her to let her shields down, and to be the person she always needed. A place to breathe a sigh of relief in protection of each other’s arms.

The battle is far from over. Kyon, that >beep< >beep< seems to constantly be nipping at their heels. I am beyond impatient to see their final chapter, to watch Kricket and Trey overcome every obstacle in their path: greed, deceit, politics, destiny, prophecy. It was a well-woven story with a truly resilient and fire-filled female character that will make you cheer for her because she’s everything we all wish to be. She is inspiring and all powerful for her mind, regardless of her beauty. Ms. Bartol did a fantastic job of painting a truly exciting tale, and I’m anxious for the final battle.

**Received a copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**