A review by ipomoea
Back to You by Lauren Dane


I recieved an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Kelly and Vaughan were a supermodel and a rock star when they met fast, hot, and heavy, ending with her pregnant and them married shortly thereafter. But good chemistry and hot sex can't sustain a relationship when there's two kids under four, and eight years ago, Kelly took Vaughan up on his empty "so divorce me" threat and did. Since then, she's worked to raise her daughters as decent human beings and to keep her life safe and on track. But when their oldest lands in the hospital, Vaughan is there before her fiance and saying all the right things.

Vaughan has had an abrupt realization that what he wants isn't the flightly and irresponsible rock star life he's had for the past eight years, what he wants is his family. But before he can even attempt to bring them together again, he's going to have to own up to his faults, including the most egregious lie he's let his family believe for years.

Lauren Dane writes my favorite contemporary romances, bar none. I'm probably biased because they're set in the Northwest, but I don't care. I love that her characters have backstories and are three-dimensional beyond the romance. There's family and friends and fuckups and life events that tangibly affect the path of the relationship, and I like that. My only complaint was the possible conflict with a certain character started to possibly blossom into something and then seemed to abrupty cut off behind the scenes without ever being written about.