A review by dylansmphillips
Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos by Wizards RPG Team


Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos by the Wizards RPG Team is a formidable addition to the D&D compendium collection that boasts new rules, mechanics, and campaign flavouring for all your Harry Potter fantasy needs. Strixhaven sets up the layers of a intricate school system, social encounters and interactions revolving around extracurriculars, exams, and other school-related mechanics, and a 4-year overarching storyline. It all seems to line up for an interesting campaign. However, it isn't built as a fully realized campaign, but more of a precursor for those wanting to use a school setting. It lacks in building out all facets of the narrative beyond the major plot points, and forgoes smaller details like a set calendar or the use of deities for holy characters or domains.

TL;DR: Great additions to D&D mechanics, particularly education-based settings and social encounters. However, the barebones campaign makes it impossible to run straight out of the book without major additions. Recommended as a supplement to a preexisting world to add schools throughout that are intertwined with narrative plot hooks.