A review by ur_best_dream_girl
Rainbow Valley by L.M. Montgomery


I’ll be so fr, I think this has been my least favorite book in the series. I was excited to see how Anne interacts with her family and her neighbors, but so far nothing. I think she had a total of maybe two and a half pages of dialogue in this book. The religious themes didn’t bother me at all, I actually found their application quite sweet. What I really resent is the glorification and justification of child neglect, the Meredith children are literally wearing rags and starving. They’re so full of hurt and confusion that they literally start a club to “bring themselves up because there’s nobody else to do it.” One of the children literally almost dies from exposure at one point. I also can’t stand Mary Vance. I really loved her in the first few chapters because I found the representation of the effects of trauma on children to be incredibly modern and well written but then the second she found stability she turned into a skunk. She was a bully and a horrible friend and these poor kids should have shoved her out of their cool kid club within like, two hours of meeting her. I’m honestly just praying the last book makes up for the disappointment of #6 & #7. Hopefully I find the girlboss content I crave in Rilla that has been so absent in Anne. #MaryVanceHateClub #DontAbuseYourChildren #JusticeForAdamHeDidNothingWrong #SusanSupremacy