A review by hystericaldice
The Memory of Babel by Christelle Dabos


I really don’t know how to feel about this book. The first book left me feeling frustrated, but willing to read more. The second book had me completely captivated and I finally felt that we were getting somewhere with the story line. The third book while having glimpses of intrigue, felt largely like book one to me, while also being completely different. There was more blahing in this book than I cared for. It is crazy to me that all of these books are in a series together.

Book One-the world is broken, everyone has special powers, the Pole is a cruel place, even the people meant to help her are hard and cold, madness.

Book Two-Going from one dramatic event to the next, constantly afraid that Farouk is going to inadvertently hurt Ophelia, terrified of who to trust, so much intrigue, murder, Ophelia marries Thorn in jail, God???, Thorn escapes!

Book Three-relegated to Anima, escape, leaving characters we know and love for a completely new arc-with new rules more new characters, more demeaning be for Ophelia, random snippets of the Pole and God through Victorias eyes, finally finding Thorn, more rigorous bs as in Book 1, God’s protector, Victoria clipped, God in LandmArk, the arcs begin falling apart.

I don’t know what to expect from the final book in this series. Hoping that Thorn and Ophelia will finally have a “relationship”-whatever that means.