A review by celjla212
Sick by Tom Leveen



While these zombies are not your typical ones, they are menacing nonetheless. This story takes place within a few hours time period, in a school that has become locked down during a zombie takeover. The misfits end up having to hang out and bond together with the drama geeks, and putting aside their differences in order to survive.

I usually like books where all the action takes place in a short time period, because that means things are very intense. Emotions run high in this book, but I just didn't feel like the main character was working towards a really big goal. Like, for the entirety of the book after the zombies came, his main idea was just to get his sister and his ex girlfriend to where he was. And at times I felt like he cared more for his ex than his little sister!

The one thing I liked was his best friend, who provided some much needed comic relief. I was sad when the end happened the way it did.

I read this book fast, but I dunno, it just didn't leave me stunned. The monsters were original, though, and that is always refreshing to see.