A review by sanjana_argula
In the Pockets of Small Gods by Anis Mojgani


Memorable poetry with some killer lines. I found it meandering a bit towards the end. I also felt like there was no singular concept, so it was a bit jarring to have the poems flit across different topics.

"She always kept a pitcher of cold water beside the bed, to pour over her brow when she woke, to make sure nothing of what she had loved in her sleep lingered long enough to remember when stepping out of bed."

" There is an ocean of sorrow in all of us. I have tried to learn how to spend my days not swimming in it. To stand on its shore. To only tip my toes in its water once in awhile."

" Do not let them tell you what in you you should grow and what in you you should kill"

" Rocks pushed out of the dirt to make a space. Like all good poets."