A review by ramblingoutloud
Their Perfect Melody by Priscilla Oliveras


I don't know if I've missed something by not reading the first two of this series. I read an excerpt of this and was immediately intrigued by the premise. But then, no... They're just... Hardheaded, prejudiced and plain boring, if I'm to be completely honest.

I liked LilĂ­'s work at the center, with the women in need, but I did not like her personality. I liked how Diego cared, but not him in general. I did not like the feel of the family, but like I said, maybe that's because I haven't read the sisters' books. And the romance wasn't all there.

It's hard to pin down exactly what I disliked about this book. It is the overall feeling when I read - how the language doesn't speak to me, the characters who I felt nothing for, the romance, which felt more than a little stilted. the struggle I had even getting past the second chapter. It doesn't flow, I guess, is the problem here. That said, it wasn't a terrible story and I liked the premise.

Thank you Netgalley, for the opportunity to read this ARC!

/ Denise