A review by andiannajones
Forever Odd by Dean Koontz


I've heard that this book is the least liked out of the series....and although I've only read the first two, based off of this book only and not public opinion - I probably wouldn't continue the series, but since I've been told that this is the worst of it, I'm going to continue on in hopes it gets better.

I didn't like the bad "guy" at all - she was too out there for me. I don't understand her desire to go through all of what she did to see some ghosts.... And so many details about the underground tunnels...I just can't picture that in my head and the over abundance of details didn't help. Book two seemed a bit random and out there. It was hard for me to stay connected. The way Odd explains things/his thought process sometimes still bugs me. His train of thought is very out there.

I will saunter on to the next book because I'm curious how Odd is going to get wrapped up in some other bizarre situation.