A review by maridkbro
The Adventurers Guild: Night of Dangers by Zack Loran Clark, Nick Eliopulos


This book was full of surprises, and good ones I might add. Gonna be honest this one wasn't as good as 2, but I still really enjoyed it. Unlike the last two books this one was almost entirely in Freestone, which I was interesting. Instead of it being a big adventure, it was all about the characters. I really loved both Brock and Zed in this book, and the other characters grew on me even more. I will say Micah and Zed kinda came out of no where, but I loved it when it was here so who cares. I liked getting to learn about Makiva and Foster and all the history, and the plot in the middle was fantastic. My only problem was that the climax felt a little rushed, and almost easy, but other than that I loved the build up. The way it ended with all of them at a guildculling was great, I'm a sucker for full circle moments. I'm gonna miss them more than I expected.