A review by rahikh90
Emotional Wellness: Transforming Fear, Anger, and Jealousy Into Creative Energy by Osho


Every time I think to myself, okay this is it, I don't think there is anything left I can learn from you, I will be disappointed. Or maybe you just keep giving the same message in different forms. Regardless, I keep on getting to know myself a little better with your help and go on living my life as naturally as I can. Thanks once again for reminding me that the heart is not the ultimate goal and its ways should only be used as a vehicle to bring us out of the mind and the goal is really to go beyond both and all other dualities.

"It is my whole teaching to live as beautifully as possible. I am not a hypocrite; in fact I am living the way I am teaching. If I were teaching to live in poverty and living in a palace, that would be hypocrisy. I live naturally; and it is very natural to live in comfort and convenience. It is simply stupid, if comfort is available, not to live in it. If it is not available, that is another thing. Then whatever is available, live in it comfortably; manage to live in it comfortably.

I have lived in many kinds of situations but I have always lived comfortably. When I was a student I used to walk to the university, four miles every day, but I loved it! I walked those four miles every day with great comfort; I enjoyed it. Whatsoever has been the situation, whether I have had a bicycle or a Mercedes, it doesn’t make any difference. I have lived in comfort.

Comfort is an attitude of mind; it is an approach toward life. I have lived in very poor houses. When I became a teacher in the university I started by living in one single room with no windows, no ventilation. But I loved it, I enjoyed it, it was not a problem at all. Whatever the moment allows, I have squeezed the moment to its totality. I have drunk fully of the moment, I have never repented, and I have never desired something else. If something else started happening I enjoyed that too."