A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
X-23 (2018-) #1 by Mike Choi, Juann Cabal, Mariko Tamaki


Time for some honesty: I haven’t read much of X-23’s comics. To be even more honest, before now I had only read one issue with her in it, and it was a crossover one. However, I absolutely adore Mariko Tamaki, so when I found out she was the new author for the series…well I knew I’d be looking into it and presumably falling in love with it as well.
There was a lot of backstory I didn’t know going into this, but honestly it was okay. I got more than ninety percent of it through context alone, so there’s really no barrier to entry for this series. I do think I’ll go back and read through all of the X-23 older series, but for now I’m content.
This was a fascinating introduction. I love that they didn’t hide from the fact that Laura is a clone. In fact, they opted to make it the main focus of the plot and potentially the antagonists of the series. It’s brilliantly done.
I love the multiple cameos and interactions that are happening so far. I imagine they’ll continue too. I’m also intrigued by the villains they’re setting up for the series. One is clearly meant to be more…villainous? Than the rest, but I like that. It shows the variety that would naturally occur, even in this particular circumstance.
This was a solid beginning, all things considered. There’s fun action scenes, clever banter, antagonists and allies being set up, the works. I can’t wait to see what happens next.