A review by readwithmoniqua
Burnt Edges by Dana Leipold


I have to be honest, this was a tough book to get through, mainly because I know of someone close to me who was in a similar situation, minus the sexual abuse from her father, but every other situation. This story tugged at my heart strings and had me teary eyed, angry, sad, and just out right pissed off at the same time.

So many women go though these types of situations and I've recently learned that men do too. After the first few chapters, I was going to call it quits because I just couldn't take it. I persevered and made it through to the end and I'm glad I did because the ending was beautiful.

I'm glad Laurel finally stood up to her mother, although that was not the right place nor the right time to do it. I was so happy that she finally found her own. Her mother, in every essence, is exactly like my close friend's mom. She recently got married and pregnant and her mom had the same reaction, down to the T. It's quite scary actually how much I can relate to this book.

I read this book within a few hours and I'm surprised at that. But I think it was an amazing story and controversial at the same time only because you don't find too many people willing to share such a personal, deep, dark story such as this one. I am interested in seeing what's next with Laurel and Leigh and Paul. I hope that the story turns out much differently than Laurel's childhood.