A review by kaeldra
Battles of the Clans by Erin Hunter


Reread July 18, 2021 - September 9, 2021.

Finally finished this one! Man, I had to slog through this one. There was nothing wrong with it really, I just found it very repetitive and not as engaging as some. We see some battle moves, we get to see them in action, rinse and repeat. I did like the snippets of info regarding the actual techniques (physically impossible as they may be.... the Reverse Climb is one such case LOL) but I felt there were too many similar battles described in the book and it kinda fatigued me by the end. It didn't help that they jumped around to so many different eras, it was hard to keep track of who was telling which story.

That said, it definitely was nice to see the world fleshed out a tiny bit more once again. As disorienting as the constant switching of timelines was, it's a very valuable tool in pinpointing certain events throughout the series (despite the many continuity errors, lmao). I will probably revisit this one in the future to use as reference for writing, but I can't see myself reading it again just for the fun of it. I'd much rather read something with more of an overarching narrative. It's funny, the whole point of Warriors is that they fight for glory or whatever but it's one of the least interesting parts of the series, in my opinion. I prefer the soap opera stuff from the main series.

Ah well, they can't all be winners! I'm just glad I finally made it through this one so I can get back on track with my reread. I'm gonna give it my best to finish before A Light in the Mist comes out Nov 9th, so that gives me 61 days to read 46 more books, at time of writing. Wish me luck!