A review by allykhat328
The Nobodies by Alanna Schubach


RELEASE DATE 21 June 2022

Thank you to netgalley and blackstone publishing for this arc in exchange for an honest review

n this book we are following two girls/women, Nina and Jess. Both extremely different people, living very different lives. They meet at a very young age and connect straight away and have that instant typical bestie bond. Their connection however goes slightly deeper than the norm, because they can swap bodies.

It follows them through from childhood through to teens until they fall and then they reconnect again when they are older.

The premise of this book had me so intrigued. It sounded so unique and original and I love a great book about female friendships.

First off I reckon this would actually make a great movie because in all honesty I found if super confusing at times because your following both perspectives and then they are also swapping bodies so I was often thinking wait who is this speaking? Obviously if adapted to screen that wouldn't be an issue, because for me it actually did hinder my experience quite a bit because I was getting confused and having to reread parts again to figure out who was doing what.

Negatives aside this book was very interesting and also very hard to read at times. I felt it was a pretty accurate representation of young female relationships, especially toxic ones. I found Jess very unlikeable, not sure if that was the intention and I'd love to know what others who have read it felt about the characters. She came across as a user and very manipulative.

I also enjoyed the family and other relationship dynamics with each individual character and their own families/relationships. Both severely different which obviously made it all the more interesting to read about when they would swap.

I did enjoy the multiple timelines but maybe wish it was more defined by maybe a new chapter? I usually have a preference to one particular timeline but found them both very fascinating. I felt a lot with this book, I could relate to some of it, found some parts super cringe but probably rather realistic, I got annoyed, felt sympathy, felt uncomfortable and shocked by some parts.

I would love to have a look at a finished copy to see how it is laid out because I really feel like that could make or break an experience for someone reading this book and how confusing it can get! However I would recommend this book still, Maybe people who love a quirky book that's a bit weird.