A review by ceena
The Lost Plot by Genevieve Cogman


*I received this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

I am so glad I requested this book from Netgalley. See, at first I didn't realize it was part of a series, so I groaned about having to catch up in a series I was still on the fence about reading. In the end, this worked out for me, because with each book I've read in the series, the more I love it. Honestly, yes, the first book didn't really do it for me, but the second? hooked me! The third? Had me hanging on every word. This one? Stole my heart.

This book brings us out of Irene's usual world and instead takes place mostly in 1930s America where gangs are everywhere and alcohol is technically illegal. Irene trades in long skirts, veils, and scarves, for short hair, knee-length dresses, and tons of color. I absolutely love all the different worlds Irene goes to and how they are different from each other. The world-building must be difficult to write and explain, but I feel the author does a marvelous job.

The characters, by this point are very much well defined. The new side characters that pop up in the new world are also well done. I felt like there were a ton of new people introduced, but the little confusion I feel is needed to make the story. Yes, there are a ton of characters, but after this book Irene will probably never go to this world again, so we won't need to remember them.... most of them. I did miss some characters from other books. I don't want to spoil too much in case someone hasn't read the first book, but I think the hard part about writing a book about a character that goes to different worlds, is how to include a continuous cast besides your main ones. So, I understand why some people aren't included and hope they are included more next time.

I will say that one thing that bothers me with this series is that there is very time for Irene to think about her romantic feelings for characters except at the very beginning and end of books. And even then, I have no idea who she likes or doesn't and why. This isn't a huge part of the series -- very minor considering how romance is practically never brought up, but when it is it irks me.

Also, Kai-- KAI!! Ugh. I honestly have no idea what is going to happen in the next book with their partnership, but I do hope things work out.

I am so excited to read the next one!! I hope it comes out soon (you know, before 2020 maybe?).