A review by jheinemann287
False Bingo: Stories, by Jac Jemc


Jac Jemc's [b:The Grip of It|31574739|The Grip of It|Jac Jemc|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1497915798l/31574739._SY75_.jpg|52264815] is the piece of fiction I recommend to friends more than any other novel. And I will forever read everything she writes.

While that novel haunts you for years afterwards, the collection of stories in False Bingo is more about awkward social situations--which is, perhaps, more scary than a haunted house for some people--and is more hit or miss. But that's the case with most collections, and when she hits, she hits hard.

Of the twenty stories, here are my favorites: "Strange Loop," "Delivery," "Under/Over," "Maulawiyah," "Don't Let's," and "Gladness or Joy."

Anyway, as usual, Will's review is much better than mine, so go read that.