A review by uyeb
Une Mystérieuse Disparition by Jacqueline West


4/5 stars

This was another really solid addition to the series! I enjoyed reading it very much. I have to say that even I didn't suspect some of the plot twists and plot points and I am excited about that because I love being surprised with books. Plot wise, this might be the best in the series (from what I've read) with the new characters, and Annabelle being out, and the shades from the house... It's all very interesting. The ending was also very satisfying and it got to wrap up most of the plot points that could've been open ended and it only leaves one thing to be finalized in the last book (and it's a good thing to be last tbh). Olive also finally has control over the house, her parents are safe and happy, and now Walter joins the little group of Olive, the cats, and Rutherford! Also, someone tell me why I feel like Leopold always goes through the most? I just want to give him infinite head pats. Oh also, Walter? Yes!! You go! Congrats on your powers babe. Anyways, as always I highly recommend this series to everyone whether you're 11 or 111. The writing, magic, plot, and characters are all great. :)