A review by jbethke
Christy by Catherine Marshall


It took me 3 months to finish this fabulous book (I have the library fines to prove it), and that's ok. The almost 500 pages of this story are dense with thoughtfulness and wisdom, so my slow reading worked well to soak in the beauty.
This book was suggested to me when I was looking for something that takes place in the Smokies, where we took our family this year. I was expecting a lovely backdrop to help imagine our trip, but not the wisdom and truth that was contained in this story.
In short, Christy is a novel based around the concept of going where few people want to go in the Christian Life, to places of squalor, darkness, and human stubbornness. It does not make light of suffering, doubt, or trials, but welcomes them as part of the journey of faith. The characters are not flat or stereotypes, and there was not a time I picked up this book that I was not blessed by it.