A review by blank_blank
Bad Men by Julie Mae Cohen


gang NEEDS to know that I fw sociopathic women, especially rich ones who commit crimes, I'd like to read a book about a black women who is a sociopath, bc theyre always white idk y but whatever, idrgaf, anyways, I would like another book that focus on Jon's decent into madness/murder, but regardless of how good the author is that would just leave the series feeling cheap, so maybe don't do that? but if the author did I'd prob read it lol, seriously I fw this novel. somehow I didn't see the Simone thing happening, I totally shouldve though, that was so oblivious, I did see the body bag and Cyrus thing coming tho, so I'm not dumb or anything <3 I loved to see how saffy manipulated ppl, though some of her murders, especially her step fathers, didn't feel super plausible, but I mean she was in a state of panic so maybe? idk, I've never tried to drown anyone, I also kind of wish we could have seen Jon's reaction to saffy murdering someone in front of him, but I also get why Simon had to be killed by jon

edit: as a side not, I hate how the title of the book is "bad men" like not only does the title litterally include the word man in a book that is somewhat misandristy but like come on! the focus of this book is not on saffys victims but saffys herself, her victims are a product of her morals and actions, not really their own people, the title shouldn't include/focus on them, why does a book about a female serial killer falling in love focus on THE MEN she kills??