A review by avid_reader_53
Casting by Liz Borino


Casting: Prequel for Mine Series by Liz Borino.

For those of us who have followed Steve and Zack on their wonderful journey together in Hollywood, this story has seemed like a long time coming. It started with Action, then got deeper with Cut Away finally giving us a glimpse of their happy ever after in It’s a Wrap, now we take a step back to the beginning of their relationship. This story follows Steve and Zack as they meet for the first time and fall in love.

The production company holds a press party for Ben’s Life to get the buzz about the show up as they start the auditions, Rich Glenn is there with Steve Michaels the two them have known each other since collage. Rich is the first to notice Zack Greene as he steps in the venue. He decides to go make a move on Zack after the group of females move away. Steve tells him it probably is not the best idea, they didn’t even know if Zack was gay or not. Rich said Zack just hadn’t met the right guy. Steve prepared himself to clean up after Rich because he really wanted Zack for the show. It took everything Steve had not to claim Zack that first night, but there was something about him that Steve wanted for himself, not just for one night or two, but forever.

After a couple days of seeing each other on and off Steve is thinking things like Zack is his, he loves Zack and is wondering where their relationship is going. So, so get Zack out of his mind he goes to the local BDSM club, The Dungeon and agrees with his old lover to share a scene. But he can’t get Zack out of his mind so he bows out of the scene and goes to get Zack. He takes him home with him for a week.

During that week, they come up with a contract for their relationship with rules and consequences after Steve explains to Zack what type of relationship he is looking for.

Things are going good for the two of them for almost a month, Steve convinces the production company VP that Zack is the guy for Ben’s Life over Rich’s objections, but when he doesn’t hear from Zack that day he goes to his apartment to see how Zack’s cold is doing only to find him not sick with a cold but laid flat with the flu. He takes Zack home to nurse him back to health. After three days Zack is feeling better and cements his love with Steve by telling him he’ll accept the collar.

This story of how our two guys got together is delightfully romantic, and stirring in the fact that both men has things they had to overcome to become one and they worked on it together and made their love flourish. Ms. Borino has listened to her readers to give us the story of how Steve and Zack first met, with all the little comments made through the series we really wanted to know! And boy, did Ms. Borino listen to us and deliver on her promise. A five star read and a wonderful ending to this series. This also gives a little back story on the Rich/Steve/Zack dynamics that played out if Action. You must read this series if you like gay erotica, and this book is a definite must read when starting the series. Thank you very much, Ms. Borino for giving us this wonderful world to play in for a while.