A review by hypnoticx
Concubine by Jill Knowles


Why did I wait so long to read this book?! It's got everything I love from royalty, master, bdsm and a fascinating plot running alongside it. I enjoyed Kael from the start he was just great fun, truly feel for him as he is thrown into this situation and has to change his outlook completely. Taron is incredible though and I loved the demon/beast element, mating bonds! That I was not expecting but was a perfect addition to these twos relationship development.

Is it cliche and light hearted with a lot of adoration between master/Concubine of course! It's steamy and dirty and just so enjoyable to read, if your looking for something serious and dark this probably won't be for you but for me it hit that lovely spot in between where its the perfect amount.

Oh and I liked how come to realisation at end with Kael, that I didn't think about but was great closure. The ending is lovely and I liked how it reflected their relationship overall, a great HEA for these two.