A review by jkenna90
Stars, Hide Your Fire by Kel McDonald


Thank you to NetGalley and Iron Circus Comics for the free review copy!

This graphic novel is about two friends, Darra and Andrea, that live in a small, boring town where there's not much to do. One day while exploring an abandoned factory, Andrea stumbles upon a woman trapped inside. Turns out that the woman, named Carmen, has magic powers and will grant Andrea one wish. Of course things don't go as planned and Andrea and Darra are on the search for Carmen's fairy circle. They are aided in their search by a local man named Liam who we find out has a connection to Carmen from a long, long time ago. Together, they search the woods for the fairy circle and try to banish Carmen back to where she came from - wherever that is.

Overall, I really enjoyed this graphic novel. It was a quick read and pretty entertaining. The artwork was really good and so was the coloring. I really enjoyed this and I'm looking forward to reading more from this author!