A review by mlwright
Midnight by Sister Souljah


I really enjoy reading this book. I absolutely think that Sister Souljah is a really gifted writer, from the very beginning she already got my undivided attention with her words. I thought also thought the author's cross-culture knowledge was so good. She does not only take you to the hood in Brooklyn but she also takes you to Sudan, the Muslim faith, and to Japan.

I thought the story between Midnight and Akemi was really good. I think it is one of the most unconventional love story I have read so far. Midnight made me understand a whole different culture outside of the American norms I know. He makes me question faith and culture at the sametime. Midnight is def a character that you fall in love with and wish that you had a boyfriend so dedicated and real.

I also believe Midnight teaches you about real life and what we should value.