A review by lindakat
Batman: The Dark Knight, Vol. 1: Knight Terrors by David Finch


Man, so much happened in this story, it was a quick one, smaller than usual but it was jam-packed with layers of story and sneaky peaks of what's going to happen in the future.
Firstly there was the childhood friend of Bruce, a connection to his past before the tragic event that turned him into the infamous Batman and how she (or specifically her father) was connected to the mystical.
Next, we have a very reflective, not moody, Batman. David Finch really captured how I feel Batman would be feeling after what he had recently gone through during his time away from Gotham.
Absolutely stunning illustrations, from the character design, (realistic yet lusciously buff) to how the comic title pages were designed, to the little details that added texture and depth to the background and the colouring; I was a huge fan of this work. As soon as I opened the book I was like, 'yep, going to love looking at this one, hope the story meets up to it.'
And it really did 'cause thirdly we had cameos from Killer Croc and Penguin; just fab. Not only that but at least four times throughout the story I literally laughed out loud; Alfred is always a card, very much looking forward to Pennyworth coming to Netflix.
I loved it, as always I just live for this collection of Batman stories.