A review by sleepseeker
X-Men Blue, Vol. 1: Strangest by Cullen Bunn


2.5 rating bumped to 3.

It's off to a good start. I still feel like the "original" X-men have overstayed their time in this dimension and should return to where they belong. But there are a few members that I don't mind. I love seeing a younger Jean grow and become her own person and is able to have a personality in this era instead of boring Jean that we had in the past.

I don't care for Iceman and Beast. Angel and Scott have their good and bad moments but I still like them. Scott is still a little to whiny for me, compared to his past older counterpart who was a take charge kind of man. I love older Cyclops.

In this series we get the start of some plots going that will see in future volumes. It's interesting to see them working with Magneto, because they don't trust him at all. We see them talk about him eventually betraying them several times in this volume. We see them secretly training in the danger room with the scenario of trying to defeat Magneto because they know he will eventually turn on them.

I don't know how I feel about his dynamic of the original X-men teaming up with Magneto yet, but I know there's going to be a big showdown eventually and I just hope it's done good.

We see an alternate version of people come into this dimension and I don't care for it. I'm tired of the X-men having to deal with time travel and alternate people coming into their world. There is one person that comes into the group at the end, an alternate timeline where Wolverine had a son. He sounds interesting but I don't know yet how his story is going to go and there's too little to go on. But I'm sick of alternate dimension people and don't have high hopes for a good story, but we shall see.

Overall the book was decent, but if your sick of the "original" X-men and/or stories with people coming into this world from alternate dimensions, then this series isn't for you.