A review by thesleepybookshelf
The Lingering Dark by Jade Church


Thank you to author Jade Church for this ARC.

What a great start to a new series. I had not read a sapphic book before, and I am glad that this was my introduction to the genre. The romance was a great as well as the tropes. I am a sucker for enemies to lover with the “I came here to kill you but fell in love instead.” This book was filled with all the things you love in a romantasy story, including only one bed at the inn.

While I did figure out the big character reveal pretty quickly, as well as a few other plot twists, I still was very happy with how it was all revealed. Each character was likable in their own way, as well as all having to work through their own internal battles. I am hoping that we get more Orien pov in the next book because he seems to have a lot of layers to him.

The ending had me biting my nails. Beware, there is a cliff-hanger but it is well worth the heart palpitations. I am excited to see where the story goes from here as well as seeing some avenging characters and major a** kicking.

Overall, great start to a new series and I cannot wait to read the next one. If you are in the mood for a quick romantasy book then I recommend picking this one up when it is released!