A review by sweetcreature89
Everblue by Brenda Pandos


I've wanted to read this book since I first heard about it. I've always been a mermaid fan, from The Little Mermaid to Splash (which is mentioned in the book!). Even when I was a little girl, I would swirl my long red hair in the bathtub, pretending to be Ariel.

This was, believe it or not, my very first "mer" book. It was pretty good, but I wasn't entirely impressed with it. It seemed like it went really slow at some points and then it would speed up and go really fast. I liked the story and the characters, bit took me a long time to read Everblue. most of the time I was into it, but sometimes, it didn't hold my interest at all.

This book was kind of back and forth for me. I ended up pretty disappointed with it, overall.