A review by qu33nofbookz
A Potion to Die For by Heather Blake


This could have been as good as the wishcrafter series but it falls short of great into just okay. All the characters here are just a bit too eccentric or all their odd qualities are medium not little which can get a bit irksome and it tries a bit to hard with the this is the south and we are just a bunch of friendly helpful good old time but gossipy people. Also the main character and her 'love' interest got on my nerves. If I saw someone always clutching at a necklace every time they have to be around someone I'd think that they had a compulsive disorder or are just so anxious around people that they need a security item to keep them sane and focused. She does this to keep others emotions from affecting her every time she has to talk to someone even though the necklace is supposed to do that just be wearing it, there is no need to clutch it constantly. Also the she bites her thumbnail almost every time she interacts with someone or has to think. After the day I would think she wouldn't have any thumbnail left to bite and she'd be working on biting and eating her thumb off. Her relationship with her love interest who is a cop like in the wishcrafter series doesn't work her. He insists on calling her an annoying nickname (Care Bear) even after she tells him not to and notes how annoying it is to her, and makes her angry every time. It does to us too after the first two or three times. Also instead of sharing her information with him, and thus helping to clear her name faster, she keeps everything to herself thinking that only she can solve what's going on becasue she has to clear her good name. Yet she also states, several times, that it won't matter because everyone already has made up their minds and it will take forever for anyone to believe her even after she presents the proof. At least she isn't a gossip and tells everyone every thing she knows even when they don't need to know it.