A review by smitch29
Sugar Baby Beautiful by J.J. McAvoy



Wow, this was absolutely not what I was expecting. I thought I was in for a simple story, that had a unique beginning that bled into an unoriginal plot. I imagined that this would just be another story with a down on her luck heroine falling for the rich, alpha-male hero. I was rather incorrect. Theo was definitely rich, and even had alpha tendencies, but his character was a lot more complicated than I anticipated. Felicity is where the real surprises showed up. I won't spoil the book, but she came across as a girl with a bad past, that chose to be strong by hiding her pain and sticking to herself while she spent her days working hard. Her only interactions are with her best friends Cleo and Mark, but that's only really because she lives with them. It takes a huge leap of courage for her to get involved with Theo and really escape from the bubble she had created for herself. They both tend to be cold and damaged from rough childhoods, so even after they've ventured into a friends-with-benefits relationship, they have to decide if it is worth it to face their fears and try a real relationship.

It was really the ending that blew me away. If I would've fallen in love with the rest a of the book, into that obsessive kind of book-love, this would definitely have been a full count rating, but it just barely fell shy. The book really picked up its pace in the moment that I thought the book might be ending. In a way, it did end at that spot, or at least the tone everything as it had been was certainly rocked as everything changed. Even then, things kept changing. I think the author did a beautiful and intriguing job with writing this book. The writer mentioned that it was influenced by real life events, and I can only imagine how flabbergasting it would be in real life, but it certainly explains where all the originality came from. I was thoroughly surprised with how the book finished, and I can't really give the ending enough compliments. It highlighted a big area of society that I think is going to be one the next big topics in American culture. Just Bravo J.J. McAvoy.