A review by crookedtreehouse
Extraordinary X-Men, Volume 3: Kingdoms Fall by


Jeff Lemire is a better writer than is evident in these pages. The X-Men being forced to run the school out of limbo makes for the most interesting conceit of the three major X-titles of this era (Uncanny and All-New being the others), but what Lemire did with it was so tropey and overdone that it felt wasted. Another Apocalypse future? Another young, powerful mutant gets possessed and has to be put down, making the rest of the X-Men very sad about the sacrifice of a new character. It's nothing new or exciting.

Add to this the weird characterization changes of Nightcrawler and Colossus (the former with a barely touched upon PTSD, the latter a horesman of Apocalypse), and there isn't a lot that works.

Lemire's run, as a part of continuity is pretty terrible. As an elseworld? It's ok. But it still doesn't have anything new to say.

I recommend it if you can't get enough of X-books that deal with the aftermath of alternate futures that haven't happened yet (see Age Of Apocalypse, Messiah Complex, Age Of X, Days Of Future Past), or if you were a huge fan of Bendis's Uncanny X-Men run because it had Magik as a central character.