A review by melissasbookshelf
A Provision for Love by Heather Chapman


Loved this story by Heather Chapman! Ivy is a headstrong young woman embarking on her first season. When her step-grandfather dies, she learns that the manor that she loves is going to go to a distant relative named Henry, whom she has met a few times and who loved to compete with her in the past. When Henry arrives for the reading of the will, both he and Ivy are surprised to learn of a provision which if met would allow Ivy to inherit her beloved Bridgestone Manor.

Henry is darling and as each item is met on the list, Ivy begins to see that he is more than she first thought him to be. Each is competing against each other and so the provision is a constant strain between them. I won't tell you what the provision is, but it is an ingenious way for both Henry and Ivy to see each other in a new light.