A review by anya_doesntmatter
Rough Canvas by Joey W. Hill


Joey Hill is a very talented writer. Her writing revolve around a sexual world I have never indulged in and I thought this would hinder me enjoying her books. I'm happy to say I was wrong! Hill's characters tend to be so complex and multilayered that it's easy to believe that chracter could be "real". Her writing style manages to capture and convey emotions so succinctly that you feel for her characters and their frailties. Rough Canvas exemplifies her skills brilliantly. The story is of two men Marcus and Thomas(a book I NEVER thought I would read but gave it a chance b/c Hill wrote it), whom were in a relationship but the relationship desolved due to Thomas' commitment to his family. While Marcus is publicly gay, Thomas, has yet "come out". With Thomas torn between duty and his passion (art and being w/ Marcus) and Marcus torn between facing his past demons and falling in love, will these two former lovers find their way back to each other again? Hill weaves and absorbing tale that is sure to have you laughing, crying and cursing!
At the end you will root for two people that are journeying on a hard road to find their happiness. Enjoy! I know I did.