A review by sadie_rae
Deathblow by Dana Marton


Humm... Not my favorite in this series. The plot was good, and I enjoyed how the author took two seemingly unrelated crimes and tied them together, that was actually a great twist that I hadn't seen coming. My problem is that I just didn't feel the chemistry, I spent a lot of time rolling my eyes at Wendy and to be honest Joe didn't do a whole lot for me either. On a whole the book was rather bleh for me with the exception of when the two cases were tied together. I did enjoy [b:Deathscape|16118972|Deathscape (Broslin Creek, #2)|Dana Marton|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1351878569s/16118972.jpg|21937933] and [b:Deathtrap|17972963|Deathtrap (Broslin Creek, #3)|Dana Marton|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1369343998s/17972963.jpg|25195689] from this series however so I'm hopping that the next book [b:Broslin Bride: Gone and Done it|22451824|Broslin Bride Gone and Done it (Broslin Creek, #5)|Dana Marton|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1402406757s/22451824.jpg|41882481] will pick back up for me again.

2.5-3 stars