A review by ezichinny
Blood Warrior by H.D. Gordon


★★★½. I like it but it needs to be polished more.

Alexa Montgomery has been getting trained all her life by her mom for some unknown event. She is constantly told to "protect her sister Nelly" and to trust no one else.

One day, Alexa's home is attacked by blood sucking creatures, and the world as Alexa knew is changed. Alexa learns that there are supernatural beings, and she is one of them. Then her best friend Jackson is a Wolf Son (shifter) and Nellie is a vampire. Alexa knows she must figure out who is targeting her family before they get killed.

Alexa, Nellie and Jackson run to a safe place their mom told them about and they meet other supernaturals like themselves. Alexa meets Kayden, whose energy seems to balance the rage she feels all the time. They finally feel safe, but everything isn't a safe and perfect as it appears. Alexa and Nellie as still in danger and Alexa has to figure out who is targeting her family and why?

I liked it but there was a lot going on in this book. first of all, this quadrangle love thing is silly. Second, I just don't see how Alexa was that clueless about so many things. Third, why did her mother not prepare her mentally and emotionally for the battle? Why didn't Nellie?

I am hoping that I will get more information in the sequel so I will try it next month.