A review by jillsta
Hurricane Girl by Marcy Dermansky


At only 233 pages, this book went by quick, and Marcy Dermansky's prose is efficient and visceral.

Allison is a screenwriter who on a whim bought a house to live on the coast of North Carolina. She alludes to leaving a bad relationship, a man who hit her three times in the space of two years. The third time was the trigger for her to leave. She reflects that she probably loved his pool more than she loved him. She spends a blissful week and a half in her new home, envisioning how her new life will be. But then a hurricane sweeps in and she comes home to no home. The only thing standing are things like her toilet and couch. She soothes herself by getting a drink at a bar and a friendly photographer offers to buy her a second drink. And then her world gets turned upside down, and round and round.

I won't say more about this book. Just read it. It is so good. This is my first book by Dermansky and I am all in on checking out her backlog.