A review by hopeglow
This Savage Song by V.E. Schwab


Let me just say that I wanted to swoon over this book a lot but well I didn't hate it nor love it. The sad fact is that I didn't really care for it.

Maybe my expectations were too high but I know what Victoria Schwab is capable of writing and this book just fell flat for me. Unlike her other works, where Vicious was creatively crafted, where the characters from The Archived pulled at my heartstrings and interest, where the world building of A Darker Shade of Magic was rich and compelling, this book did none of that. At least not for me.

There's no doubt that Schwab can write. Kate is a daring, strong character and August deserves the world but I just couldn't click with neither one of them.

This book was a quick read but nothing really happens until the reader is at least 65% in and even with that I wasn't surprised at the turn of events or the plot twists.

I expected better because Victoria Schwab can write better than this and to me this book just felt like another typical YA Dystopian novel to me. It was so black and white. This and that. Good and bad. What I wanted were grey characters, grey plotline like Vicious and Six of Crow where I have to question which side I'm on and who I stand with.

This story reminds me of Romeo and Juliet plus monsters and minus the romance. And that's about it.

Though I have to say that I really like the fact that there was no romance at all between the two leads which is really refreshing to see in YA. It's nice to have the main characters, especially a male and a female one caring about each other platonically.

This Savage Song might not be one of my fave read of 2016 and the hype for it may skewed expectations quite a bit, but still, I will definitely be picking up the next book to see how Schwab decides to wrap up the story.