A review by mrfrank
Eye Witness: Zombie by William R.D. Wood, T.W. Brown


EYE WITNESS ZOMBIE is an anthology of zombie fiction with an eye to journalistic accounts of the apocalypse. The stories are all well written and true to modern zombie lore. As can be expected of short zombie tales the gore is heavy and the chacacterizations are slim.
I found this collection to be kind of depressing to read story after story. Getting 'in the trenches' accounts of the action more often then not leads to death. Reading that time and again gives absence of hope. Ultimately a feeling of doom ebraces each story.
You need to love zombies, fast action and stomach churning detail to enjoy this. Make sure your in a positive head place too,because you can be left feeling a little glum when it's over. Who can complain to a little emotional responce when reading anyway?