A review by mrsbooknerd
The Backup Plan by Sherryl Woods


Writing 101: Make your characters more realistic by giving them flaws.

My golly, did Dinah have flaws. They were big and scary and they were as stubborn as she was, not developing once throughout the whole novel! Dinah was stupid, insincere, entirely self-obsessed, ridiculously stubborn and truly unlikable. I have read books with villains in them who have turned out to be better people than Dinah was.

Due to the lack of development in her character, I grew more and more frustrated until eventually I was screaming – internally, of course – at Cord to run as far and as fast as he could in the opposite direction to Dipshit Dinah. My fiancé looked over at one point and worriedly asked if I was okay, because I was shaking the book as though throttling Dinah.

The premise was very ‘My Best Friend’s Wedding’ with Dinah suffering a knock of confidence and wanting to return to the safety of her old life, within the comforting arms of her old boyfriend. An old boyfriend that she had made a pact to marry if they hit a certain point in their lives and were still unattached. A boyfriend with whom she had absolutely no passion for, had never loved and hadn’t spoken to in ten years. A boyfriend who has a really hot brother who made Dinah’s toes curl.
What on earth could go wrong?!

Let. Me. Tell. You.

Dinah was world renowned as being an award-winning investigative reporter. So on returning to Charleston does she do a bit of research about her long lost boyfriend? Maybe speak to the locals? Google him? Act a bit subtle? Nah. Not for our Dinah, she comes marching back into town declares that she will marry Bobby and then wonders why everyone else is all, “Love, have you heard of Google? What sort of reporter are you??” In fact, it isn’t until she has been home for about a month that she suddenly thinks, “Gosh, people seem to be hiding something about Bobby, I shall Google him.” I’m surprised she even knew how to spell his name.
So arrogant is Dinah that she just assumes that Bobby has been sitting in a hammock at home waiting for her for a decade. “Oh Dinah! How I have missed you bossing me around and making my decisions for me! Kiss! Kiss!”
Beyond this absolute joke of a plot, there wasn’t really anything else to focus on, certainly no substantial subplots. Dinah’s parents offered a well-developed and lovely romance to distract but even that was mentioned only between Dinah’s woeful stories and so was detracted from.

I actually felt that if Dinah had been a bit more credible, this could have worked as a light romance. Cord certainly had some banter and characters such as Dorothy and Maggie were delightful. Much more interesting than Dipshit Dinah.
If Dinah had researched Bobby on her way home, realised that he was now engaged but been determined to save a long-ended but passionate romance, and if Bobby had been half-tempted or at least around then it would have added some real tension. Maggie and Dorothy could be setting her up and trying to get her into Cord’s arms, which would have added humour and Cord could have been a lovely bantering, muscle man to fall in love with along the way. All of this would have made the book so much more appealing.

Even the writing style seemed to be a bit lacking in that, I can’t think of how Dinah or Cord looked. I can picture Dinah’s legs because that was the only body part that Cord spoke about, and likewise with Cord’s abs. But what hair colour did they have? Was Cord blue-eyed and blonde haired or green eyed and dark? Were these features described anywhere? I can’t remember.

I'm not sure if you can tell, but I really hated Dinah.

The whole book was totally crazy and not in a good way but in a, I-can't-believe-this-got-published way.