A review by kazbo5771
Desperately Seeking Sixty-Nine by J.D. Frettier


Desperately Seeking Sixty-Nine is the first instalment in The Green Room Chronicles by J.D. Frettier. The Green Room Chronicles are a collection of novellas set in the afterlife. The Green Room is a place where you go until it’s decided if you’re going to heaven or hell.
The title of this novella can be slightly deceiving. Those of us with a dirty mind may assume what this story will be about, whereas infact the sixty-nine refers to the year 1969 when the heroine of our story Bonnie first met the love of her life Peter.
However if you are of a dirty mind and looking for something a bit racy then this story will fit the bill. While in the Green Room, Bonnie has several flash backs to sexy times with her husband and also ‘visits’ him to keep their passion alive.
While very short, at only 45 pages, there is a lot packed into this novella. I already have books 2 & 3 on my kindle waiting for me to see what J.D. Frettier has in store next for those in the afterlife. Well worth reading!